
Präsentation #76 Ioana Vreme-Moser

‘'Ioana Vreme Moser is an artist and transmedia narrator originally from Timisoara, Romania. Since 1999 she has been investigating the relations between bodies (her own especially) and circuitry. The kinds of organic-electronic synesthesia and symbiosis that she creates, challenging her audience through interactive installations or performance pieces, almost always push the boundaries into this “grey” area of audio/video/tactile experimentalism. Having taken part in over 30 exhibitions and festivals over the years, starting with the Simultan festival, which made her famous, Ioana does not make the kind of art that you can't understand if you don't read the exhibition text. With a solid background in ballet, she knows how to explore and exhibit her body (for instance through make-up connected to circuits) but also how to challenge viewers through new approaches which run the stylistic gamut from live (unrepeatable) noise to the already established field of electro-acoustic music. Her alter ego Coquetta (more on her later) bases her practice both on pure, do-it-yourself experiment and on found or fetishized objects (like a pair of red stilettos turned into synthesizers). Her main area of interest in her explorations is based on the interactions between digital and organic, between virtual and real, and, especially, between body and meta-body, which can of course be altered through technology. Besides the subtle humor in her works which is often based around a narrative thread, Ioana Vreme-Moser makes use of electronic devices discarded by Berliners (among whom she has been living for a few years), sound sculptures, obsolete technologies, or instruments that she invents or assembles herself.'' Text by Miron Ghiu Ioana has been closely engaged with Simultan, Media Art Association, Timisoara, kinema ikon multimedia Atelier Arad (RO) and the Electroacoustic Music Studio Krakow (PL). Currently, she lives and works in the T10 artist community in Berlin. Amongst others, she has performed and exhibited at the National Gallery of Denmark (DK), STATE Studio, Berlin (DE); SFX - Sound Effects Seoul (KR), STWST Sleep48 - Ars Electronica (AT), Bunkier Sztuki Gallery Krakow (PL); Eigen+Art Lab - Transmediale, Berlin (DE). This year she has received a working stipend from Ernste Musik und Klangkunst, Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa and will be developing new musical interfaces based on self-sufficiency for post-pandemic landscapes. --------------------------------------------------- Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2021 20.00 Uhr Ort: Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg Harvestehuder Weg 12 20148 Hamburg Der Eintritt ist frei. “Präsentationen” ist eine Vortragsreihe des VAMH zu verschiedenen Positionen aktueller Musik. In der Vortragsreihe stellen Musiker, Komponisten, Klangkünstler und Theoretiker ihre Arbeiten vor oder dozieren zu einem spezifischen Thema aus dem Bereich der aktuellen Musik. ......................... Die Reihe Präsentationen wird gefördert von der Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Videomitschnitte der Präsentationen:
