Diesmal ein Vortrag des Perkussionisten Eddie Prévost. Eddie Prévost — percussion and drums Cofounder in 1965 of seminal improvising ensemble AMM - (a groupwhich has included formally and informally trained musicians e.g. John Tilbury, Lou Gare, Cornelius Cardew, Keith Rowe, Christian Wolff and Rohan de Saram). AMM has performed worldwide and has an extensive discography. Prévost has also worked with numerous free-jazz and improvising musicians (e.g. Evan Parker, Marilyn Crispell, Jim O\’Rourke, Paul Rutherford and Alexander von Schippenbach), with a number of younger musicians (e.g.Seymour Wright and Ross Lambert with whom he performs as SUM) as well as with musicians from other cultures (most notably Yoshikazu Iwamoto). He has also performed in the techno-ambient field (GOD, Main, EAR). And has played the ‘open-ended\’ compositions of Cardew, Wolff and Cage. During 1998 he made music music for The Merce Cunningham Dance Company during their London season. His first solo CD Loci of Change was released by Matchless Recordings (MRCD32) late in 1996. Later followed by Material Consequences and a tam-tam solo CD entitled Entelechy. He occasionally lectures and writes about music. His books No Sound is Innocent and Minute Particulars were published by Copula) in 1995 and 2004 respectively. In 2006 he edited: Cornelius Cardew A Reader. Since then he has published John Tilbury\’s biography: Cornelius Cardew A Life Unfinished. Currently Prévost is completing a new book The First Concert which should be published early in 2011. Since 1999 Prévost has convened a weekly improvisation workshop in London. So far this has been attended by over three hundred musiciansm representing over twenty different nationalities. From this workshop many musical groups have emerged some with which Prévost also performs. For a fuller discography see: