Präsentation 54: Elliott Sharp

Lecture: "Current Strategies for Composition and Performance" Composer and multi-instrumentalist Elliott Sharp presents strategies at play in a number of recent compositions focussing on his new techniques for graphic notation and an overview of his recent operas Binibon and Port Bou. Elliott Sharp is a central figure in the avant-garde and experimental music scene in New York City for over 30 years. He has released over eighty-five recordings ranging from orchestral music to blues, jazz, noise, no wave rock, and techno music. He leads the projects Carbon and Orchestra Carbon, Tectonics, and Terraplane and has pioneered ways of applying fractal geometry, chaos theory, and genetic metaphors to musical composition and interaction. Sharp was awarded the Berlin Prize for Music Composition for 2015; a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2014; a Fellowship from the Center for Transformative Media in 2014. In 2015, he was awarded the Jahrespreis from der Deutscher Schallplatten Kritiks for Terraplane:4AM Always, the Preis in 2008 for the solo CD Concert In Dachau and in 2004 for the orchestral CD Racing Hearts, Tessalation Row, Calling. In 2003, he received a Fellowship from the Foundation For Contemporary Art. Dienstag, 22.11.2016, 20.30 Uhr Seminarraum 4. OG, Fabrique im Gängeviertel Valentinskamp 34a , 20355 Hamburg (Zugang von der Speckstraße, Fahrstuhl vorhanden) Der Eintritt ist frei.