PRÄSENTATION 40 - Matthew Shlomowitz

PRÄSENTATION 40: Positionen aktueller Musik 20:00 Konzert Mark Knoop 21:00 Präsentation Matthew Shlomowitz Veranstaltet vom VAMH in Kooperation mit der HfMT Hamburg. In this presentation, composer Matthew Shlomowitz will introduce different strands of his recent work - including the use of samples and theatrical elements - within the context of instrumental concert music. Matthew Shlomowitz Matthew Shlomowitz is a composer of concert music and performance pieces. Raised in Adelaide, Australia he lives in London and is Lecturer in Composition at the University of Southampton. He also co-directs the Plus Minus ensemble with composer Joanna Bailie. He has composed works for groups such as asamisimasa, Calefax, Ensemble Offspring, EXAUDI vocal ensemble, Ives Ensemble, Nieuw Ensemble, Quatuor Diotima, Speak Percussion and extended works for pianists Mark Knoop and Stephane Ginsburgh. Ort: Theater im Zimmer, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg