Fr, 13.09.2024, 19:30 Uhr
der große Freitag

dkF-Crew presents site specific cirque speziale. Galerie Pfund&Dollar's crazy jamsession-brainchild dkF grows yet another branch on this hallucinogenic tree to broaden your senses and widen your perspective! We dearly invite you to come enjoy this very special occasion and a once-time-in-a-lifetime get together where contemporary circus meets session as well as live music made by artists from all over the world who share and combine their diverse artistic approaches to let you take a deep dive into a colourful sea of subculture. Get ready to experience a trip that will shake you out of your comfortzone into a warm embrace of goosebumps, be sure: we will take good care of you! Das Konzert wird unterstützt vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg. kuratiert von der dkF Crew