Do, 22.02.2024, 19:30 Uhr
Guttersnipe (uk), Guido Möbius, Golden Disko Ship

bug music | catchy beats | polyrhythmic patterns | beat-driven pop | experimental rock & electronics Leeds duo Guttersnipe defies genres with chaotic abstraction, blending guitar, drums, and electronics. Formed in 2014, they're on their 10 years anniversary European tour 2024. Brace for a visceral experience as Guttersnipe reignites the underground rock scene. As Golden Diskó Ship, Berlin's Theresa Stroetges explores beat driven, anthemic experimental music's edges and infuses her fifth album 'Oval Sun Patch' with club culture and electronic influences. Guido Möbius, a one-man orchestra with guitar, voice, trumpet, and effects, crafts ever-changing, high-energy music. Each set is a distinct sonic adventure. Supported by ByteFM Das Konzert wird unterstützt vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg. Einlass 19:30 | Konzerte 20:30