Do, 19.05.2022, 19:00 Uhr
Ted Milton's Blurt + d.i.p.

Post-Punk | Dada-Avantgarde-Jazz | Paranoid Jazz-Mutant Funk | Jazz-Synthwave-Punk Einlass: 19.00 Uhr Beginn: 20.00 Uhr VVK: 15 € + Gebühren und Clubeuro Tickets: AK: 18 € Das Konzert wird unterstützt vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg. ********** BLURT: :Ted Milton: vocals, saxophone :Steve Eagles: guitar :Dave Aylward: drums Blurt is an English post-punk band, founded in 1979 in Stroud, Gloucestershire by poet, saxophonist and puppeteer Ted Milton along with Milton's brother Jake, formerly of psychedelic group Quintessence, on drums and Peter Creese on guitar. At the start they were associated with Factory Records. Most of Blurt's compositions feature simple, repetitive, minimalistic guitar and/or saxophone phrases, but they can also explore more abstract musical territories, often serving as an atmospheric backdrop for Ted Milton's existentialist poetry. What drives the sound and underpins it all is the steadfast, resolute guitar and drums from Steve Eagles and David Aylward. Over this strong foundation, Ted Milton’s sax and vocals can be shown to their full, glorious extent because they clash completely for the most part- which is an art itself, yet to be effective both sax and vocals in this style need a steadfast foundation on which to paint and here, this is provided in spades. Ted Milton is one of the freest, most exceptional players with an ear and a knack of placing notes perfectly, both on voice but especially on sax. His way of playing is a gift, which few players have, and it brings to the music something exceptional and completely distinctive. What was impressive is that even from a distance, the voice is still heard and Ted Milton uses his voice much the same way as he uses his sax – for rhythm, for emphasis and to add to the range of sounds. : : : : : : WATCH! Brilliant comeback single from Blurt : free jazz punk skronk genius! ********** d.i.P. is an experimental jazz-synthwave-punk quartet from Hamburg, Germany. d.i.P’s story is almost as complicated as that of Marilyn Monroe. For diamonds and stardom are a girl’s best friend. d.i.P have everything; beauty; a Sapphic band; a complete lack of understanding; jealousy; a little brown bear. Jana de Jonge: guitar, voice Steph Jacobs: clarinet Zuza Spyczak von Brzezinska: bass Louise Vind Nielsen: drums, synth