Mi, 30.05.2018, 20:00 Uhr
Urge / Horst Du Noch / NW

HORST DU NOCH [Rennes] Solo guitar-machines. Grunge indus. Postpunk psyche. Garan Nowave. https://soundcloud.com/horst-du-noch/sets/horst-du-noch-demo-2017-1 NW [Nancy] ... William Nurdin (Actionisme et Sérendipité).Born in 1980 he is an activist driven by existential desire to link "BRUITISME" and performance. https://nnww.bandcamp.com/track/25th-oct-instants-chavir-s-fr-montreuil http://www.nwwn.tk/ URGE [Basé à Caen] ... is a free-jazz trio playing noise sax, guitar and drums. Improvised performance. It's ultra energetic with a big massive sound. You have to see it and hear it and experience it! https://youtu.be/sPVbVFTS4Rc https://soundcloud.com/urge-caen/urge-chaudelande 5 vvk - 7 on the door. . . . http://ms.stubnitz.com/ Kirchenpauerkai 29. 20457 Hamburg U4 HafenCity Universität Bus 111 Baakenhöft Konzert-NEWSLETTER: http://eepurl.com/beIGEz TICKETS: http://www.fair-tix.de/tickets/ms-stubnitz