Di, 24.04.2018, 20:00 Uhr
Bebawinigi / ELIH / Ganesha

Bebawinigi (IT) https://www.bebawinigi.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Bebawinigi-486229974757059/ ELIH (HH) https://www.facebook.com/elihmusic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfrlBQqF5FZ7uERtWgcOovw Ganesha (IN) Description below: Bebawinigi ..is the ungraceful, awkward, grotesque, silly, dramatically imperfect being that lives within us all.Bebawinigi is an artistic and musical experimentation. Her use of the voice with its wide tonal properties, registers, colors and styles.Her use of the verbal language, in order to search and explore an invented language, a personal grammelot. Her anarchic use of conventional instruments, as well as common objects that produce peculiar sounds. Her fusion of a wide range of genres - spanning from grunge to new wave, from psychedelia to punk, from industrial to noise – with electronic, blues, jazz, folk and classical. All this combines the theatrical and imaginative approach of live performance, as well as the video clips visual experimentation. ELIH ..is a blues folk sound shaman, with encouraging lyrics and a soulful voice. He takes you on a journey from the humming depth of the Earth to the heavenly hovering realms of sonority - and back again. ELIH is a live-artist, who is evoking a sphere in which anything is possible, in which dimensions cross and timelines connect. His Songs remind us, that we are being carried and cared for, and that the cure for the challenges of life is compassion. With Instruments like Ukulele, Slide-Guitar, Jaw-Harp, Didgeridoo, Beatbox and a Loop-Station he creates a unique, diverse and moving Style, that rocks, radiates and resonates within. Meet this special musician and enjoy music from the hand and the heart. Ganesha ..is a guest artist from India with meditation music by tabla.Playing Indian classical Rythms, tablasolo and other improvisations. Presale 7€ (+fee). Doors 9€ ….. .?.ll?l?.?l.l?. .?.ll?l?.?l.l?. ms.stubnitz.com .?.ll?l?.?l.l?. .?.ll?l?.?l.l?. …. ..?l Kirchenpauerkai 29. 20457 Hamburg l?.. ..?l U4 HafenCity Universität l?.. ..?l Bus 111 Baakenhöft l?.. ..?l Konzert-NEWSLETTER: http://eepurl.com/beIGEz l?.. ..?l TICKETS: http://www.fair-tix.de/tickets/ms-stubnitz l?..