Do, 12.01.2017, 21:00 Uhr
Anachrnsm233HHxB°TONG,Feine Trinkers..MirrorsForPsychicWarfare

An anachronism is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. ± Feine Trinkers bei Pinkels Daheim Every show of Feine Trinkers bei Pinkels is an experience for itself - it's timeless, it's a feast for the ears, and it's such a pleasure to see them doing all the work on stage when you just lean back staring at them, with their aural earbuds tickling your eardrums. ± B°TONG Chris Sigdell is an experimental electronic musician. He developed a soft spot for early industrial textures and pioneering ambient soundscapes while cutting his teeth in cult industrial band NID (1995-2005). He builds an interesting body of work that moves in various directions at the same time. From dealings with ambient and isolationism on one hand and experimental music, ranging from the soft microsound end to the more engaging noise end, in a clever combination of ideas… ± Mirrors for Psychic Warfare (Scott Kelly & Sanford Parker) The band's haunting self-titled debut is the sonic manifestation of insomnia, complete with the tossing, the turning, and the perennial dread that comes with facing another shabby daylight.The five songs lurch and pulsate across a desolate landscape with an almost curious obsessiveness. While Mirrors for Psychic Warfare may remind some of the best work on the classic Cold Meat Industry label, there is enough familiar Kelly/Parker-isms scattered throughout to keep the album stimulating. It is a work with more in common with a fever or a fitful wraith than a record. ± DJ Difficult Music Known amongst much for the consistently versatile and exploring radio show "Difficult Music for Difficult People" sent from Hambur open radio station, FSK ( DJ Difficult Music shares his incredible knowledge and extremely broad interests in music with more or less difficult people on the air or in the venue. Doors at 20:00 Sounds at 21:00