Do, 08.12.2016, 21:00 Uhr
Anachronism #0144

An anachronism is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. ± Wreckmeister Harmonies (feat GY!BE Members) The shape-shifting drone, modern classical, outrock and extreme metal collective, led by the enigmatic and visionary musician JR Robinson, came into chaotic life in 2006 with the modus operandi of performing and recording long pieces in museums, mausoleums and other impressive public spaces.Wrekmeister Harmonies core is JR (vocals, guitar) and Esther Shaw (keyboards, piano, violin, vocals). They are joined by Godspeed You! Black Emperor musicians Thierry Amar on bass and contrabass; Sophie Trudeau on piano, violin and vocals; and Timothy Herzog on drums. ± Jose Macabra Seemingly a mix of contradictions, this fierce, larger-than-life persona betrays a quiet, sensitive soul underneath. His earlyalways seems to be interest in the Catholic church prompted a lifelong understanding of the power of ritual that has carried over into his hinting towards a potential music. Jose brings to performance is all part of the act. “Everyone’s life is a performance”, muses Jose. “The only thing that isn’t a performance is death.” ± DJ Difficult Music Known amongst much for the consistently versatile and exploring radio show "Difficult Music for Difficult People" sent from Hambur open radio station, FSK ( DJ Difficult Music shares his incredible knowledge and extremely broad interests in music with more or less difficult people on the air or in the venue. ± Fesselstern (IT + ESP) Pedro Gonzalez Fernandez: violin, electronics, video and texts,Carla Genchi: voice and texts"We are improvisers and we firmly believe that improvisation is a mean of development of creative activities. Despite our background as classical musicians for us improvisation is a common foundation to generate interdisciplinary relationships." ± POLVØ (CO) /fiction/zero/hybrids Doors at 20:00 Sounds at 21:00 10 € inkl gutschein für nächste anachronism.