Di, 26.04.2016, 21:00 Uhr
Bootblacks + Liste Noire

Vocalist and front man Panther MacDonald describes Veins, the newly-completed BOOTBLACKS album, as the most recent step in the band’s evolution from punk to post-punk. Fans can expect a more textured, atmospheric and “bigger-sounding” Bootblacks than before. Recorded with Brian Scott Herman of TreeFort studios, the new album from Bootblacks – now composed of MacDonald, guitarist Alli Gorman and drummer Roger Humanbeing -- introduces an electronic bass and more synth-oriented soundscapes. ------- LISTENOIRE is the new incarnation of the art-wave project Velvet Condom. Alice Gift and Oberst P., now joined by new member Kali on guitar and keyboard, are playing what they call "Disco Noir". Vocals, Guitar / Alice Gift Keyboard, Programming / Oberst Panizza Guitar, Keyboard / Kali Fagerberg https://soundcloud.com/bootblacks https://listenoire.bandcamp.com/