Do, 15.10.2020, 20:00 Uhr
blurred edges – Opening blurred edges Festival 2020

Musiker*innen aus Estland, Paris und Hamburg bespielen das Konzertschiff HUMANIMAL a performance by General Humanity. Bianca Hein: Qi Gong; Ingrid Hoelzl:video performance/voice; Georgia Ch. Hoppe: loop-composition/mini-elec-tronics. Animals and humans mingle and merge: Josefine, the mouse singer,and other hybrid beings from Kafka’s world meet Qi Gong animal improvisa-tion and electronic loops that flow between species. FEEDBACKRUNDE Philipp Krebs & Felix StachelhausMetall, Styropor, Kunststoff, Lautsprecher, Mikrofone, Kabel, Rückkopplungen. Eine Klangskulptur. TinTin Patrone Ka Leo Ki'eki'eTinTin Patrone, Elena Pastor, Pedro Torres A structured improvisation on different instruments and sound objects aboutgoat herder's traditions. Post-modern allegories of the environment in an agewhen living with less remains a powerful cultural wish. Sascha Brosamer Grainfield Network App - Public-Smartphone-PerformanceBrosamer works with "Grainfield", which is a web-based application used tonetwork the audience and create an immersive listening experience. Pleasebring a charged smartphone Thierry Madiot Air and Tubes Thierry Madiot baut verzweigte Rohrsysteme, die mit einem Kompressor zum Schwingen gebracht werden. dj h.heh Massive bass and abstract beats Voranmeldungen an: