Do, 15.01.2009, 21:00 Uhr
klub katarakt Festival

Portraitkonzert Alvin Lucier Vespers (1968) acoustic orientation by means of echolocation, for players with hand-held echolocation devices Broken Line (2006) for Flute, Vibraphone and Piano "I am sitting in a room" (1970) for Voice and Electromagnetic Tape Ever Present (2007) for Flute, Saxophon and Piano Silver Street Car for the Orchestra (1988) Canon (2007) for Clarinet, Vibraphone, Piano, Cello, Electric Guitar and Double Bass Nelly Boyd Robert Engelbrecht, Cello/E-Gitarre Jan Feddersen, Klavier Jens Röhm, E-Gitarre, Elektronik Gäste: Gustavo Aguilar, Perkussion Arturo Raffaele Grolimund, Flöte Thomas Österheld, Klarinette, Saxophon Daniel Thieme, Kontrabass
Eintritt: Tagesticket: 15,- (8,-), Festivalpass: 50,-