Fr, 28.02.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Hörbar: David Wallraf/ Hex Vortex/ John Hughes & Dong Zhou

Hörbar: David Wallraf/ Hex Vortex/ John Hughes & Dong Zhou HEX VORTEX is the brainchild of Berlin's NOISE TESTAMENT festival creator, known for his booking activities as OBNOXIOUS OUROBOROS. After having played guitar and bass in a dozen bands from 1995-2020 he moved to the Harz Mountains right before the pandemic started, spent countless walks thru the mountains and sleepless nights to come up with the idea, the sound and the setup of HEX VORTEX. Using his musical experience of three decades and improvisational talent to record everything live on the spot onto two tracks and ever evolving his authentic style of heavy psyched out ritualistic industrial dub, harsh brain melt drone, weird electro kraut and hard hitting rhythmic freeform noise. David Wallraf arbeitet in Hamburg mit Noise. Die aus diesem Prozess entstehenden Audioarbeiten erkunden die Akustik des Unheimlichen: Field Recordings, elektromagnetische Wellen und obsolete Audiotechnik werden zu Soundtracks für den Alptraum des ‚kapitalistischen Realismus‘ verwoben. Diese Arbeiten werden international veröffentlicht. Im Febraur 2025 erscheint das Album Crudelta Necessaria bei dem Berliner Label Karlrecords, seit 2013 wurden ca. 80 Tonträger veröffentlicht. Neben Konzerten und diversen Kollaborationen (aktuell mit der koreanischen Noise-Künstlerin Jena Jang) performt David Live-Vertonung von surrealistischen Stummfilmen. Nach Arbeiten zu Luis Buñuel, Maya Deren und Jean Genet ist für 2025 eine Vertonung von Sergei Eisensteins Panzerkreuzer Potemkin geplant. John Hughes, a bassist and composer originally from the US, has been a prominent figure in Hamburg's jazz and free improvisation scene since 1998. He has organized numerous festivals and concert series, including the award-winning Multiphonics Hamburg, and currently curates the monthly Audible Instances series at Westwerk. A versatile double bassist, Hughes plays and composes for the piano trio Hosho, collaborates with the quartet Gravelshard, Winntizki/Hughes/Lücker Play MONK, trios with Ove Volquartz and Frank Gratkowski, and works in duo with Tobias Delius, Luís Vicente, Olaf Rupp, and Camila Nebbia. Hughes teaches double and electric bass at the Musikschule Neumünster and at the inclusion project Barner 16 in Hamburg. Dong Zhou (no pronouns) is a composer-performer based in Hamburg. Zhou gained a B.A. in music engineering at the Shanghai Conservatory and an M.A. in multimedia composition at the Hamburg University of Music and Drama. Zhou won several prizes, including the first prize in the 2018 ICMC Hacker-N-Makerthon, the finalist of the 2019 Deutscher Musikwettbewerb, and the Nota-n-ear Award 2022. Zhou had works included in the ‘Sound of World’ Microsoft ringtones collection and was commissioned by festivals and institutions such as the Shanghai International Art Festival, ZKM Karlsruhe, Stimme X Festival, etc. Zhou is currently a doctoral candidate in ICAM of Leuphana University, a member of Stimme X e. V. Zeitgenössisches Musiktheater Norddeutschland and Deutscher Komponistenverband Hamburg.