Di, 02.01.2024, 13:00 Uhr
die ganze platte: La Fin Des Psydonymes - Cave/Recordings Of Thin Consolation

Das label schreibt; "La fin des pseudonymes is a jam session of all shapes and sizes. Nothing is predetermined, except for the start tempo. With each invocation, new pieces arise, stumbling and sounding, biding their time. Audiences are summoned to these uncertain - yet meticulous - elaborations, to witness the melodic and the percussive constantly argue, in search of new paths to tread. The result is storylike and abstract. Sometimes it soars. Sometimes it dances. But it is always psychedelic. La fin des pseudonymes was your "typical" lockdown project: in June 2021, Frederic Aerden, Antonin De Bemels, Nicolas Claus and Olivier Taskin attempted to extract themselves from the prevailing idleness by playing music together. Oddly enough, they did so by locking themselves up in Nico's basement, a tiny but ultimately inspiring home studio. From then on, the four recorded several sessions in various configurations and locations, sometimes with an audience and sometimes without. These recordings were edited and mixed by Antonin. The result is "CAVE", a six-track album as hybrid as the sessions that gave birth to it. The title refers to Nico's basement (i.e. "la cave de Nico" in French), where they recorded some of the sessions, and Fred's basement, where he recorded his texts in a slightly muffled voice (to avoid scaring any neighbour who might just be passing through). We recommend you classify that result in the ambient section of your collection, preferably in the experimental category of the krautrock persuasion. The general tone is a little stark: the stories told oscillate (wildly) from esoteric horror to Western-style fables." Kontakt: thomas@fsk-hh.org