Do, 07.12.2023, 20:00 Uhr
Turtle Yama | Tadashi Yonago | DJ Kohlrabi

11.12.2023 20:00 DJ KOHLRABI 20:30 TADASHI YONAGO (LIVE) 21:30 TURTLE YAMA (LIVE) 22:30 DJ KOHLRABI BEEK Marschnerstraße 21 22081 Hamburg A Monday evening of rattling, rumbling electronics, soft torch acoustics and fragmented vinyl entertainment from the Japanese DIY underground. Curated in collaboration with Fleurop. TURTLE YAMA (JP) Turtle Yama formed in 2015 by Nahoko Kamei and KOPY (known for her rattling releases on Düsseldorf's TAL imprint). Their synthesizers, samplers and drum machines act like on-board computers gone haywire: They navigate us through a bright, shaky cloud and after waking up from broken dreams, it feels like they have re-patched our troubled minds. TADASHI YONAGO (JP) Tadashi Yonago plays trumpet and self-built sonic generators. When he is not operating in groups with obscure names such as SjQ and SjQ++ he gives workshops, runs the DIY Space PORT (in Osaka) and installs self-made vending machines in urban space. DJ KOHLRABI (JP/DE) DJ Kohlarabi A.K.A. Mo Chan A.K.A. Aiko Okamoto cruises between fun and depression, construction and ruination, following her instinct for trueness. As a member of female:pressure she has worked on Perspectives Festival and Berlin's monthly MEETUP, stepping over boundaries of the arts: DJ Kohlrabi is an artist, radio producer, DJ, artist, organizer – a MULTITALENT in it’s truest form!