Do, 16.11.2023, 20:00 Uhr

“Liminal Lines” is an embodied electronic performance designed, created and performed by Viola Yip on her self-made feedback dress and her body movements. It explores the choreography between sound and movements beyond the traditional notions of techniques and executions. Her body, when wearing the dress, facilitates a wide range of distances, pressures, and speeds through her body movements that changes the sonic production in the dress. These body-and-instrument interactions then devise performative relationships between the dress and the human body, which allow complex sonorities to emerge and modulate over time. “Präsentationen” ist eine Vortragsreihe des VAMH zu verschiedenen Positionen aktueller Musik. In der Vortragsreihe stellen Musiker:innen, Komponist:innen, Klangkünstler:innen und Theoretiker:innen ihre Arbeiten vor oder dozieren zu einem spezifischen Thema aus dem Bereich der aktuellen Musik. Eine Kooperation mit HfMT ZM4 Eine Anmeldung ist notwendig und erfolgt über eventbrite. ————————————————— "Präsentationen" is a lecture series of the VAMH on various positions of contemporary music. In the lecture series, musicians, composers, sound artists and theorists present their work or lecture on a specific topic from the field of contemporary music. The series of presentations is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg ........... Video recordings of the presentations: Foto: Stephen Harvey