So, 12.11.2023, 20:00 Uhr
Alternate Reality II. (Eli Wallace, Drew Wesely,+ Zhou / Heenan / Hughes / Dhonau)

Alternate Reality II. a(non-) festival for cerebral liberation solo Drew Wesely: electric guitar solo Eli Wallace: prepared piano quartet Dong Zhou: violin, electronics Chris Heenan: reeds John Hughes: double bass Dirk Dhonau: drum set 1. Eli Wallace: prepared piano Eli Wallace is a pianist, improviser, and composer who resides in Brooklyn, NY, leading his own projects, collaborating with other like-minded artists, and co-curating the interdisciplinary performance series Invocation. His work as a pianist displays his vast milieu of experiences from classical, jazz, and free improvisation, incorporating elaborate piano preparations. For this concert, Wallace will play one extended uninterrupted improvisation utilizing pieces materialized from intentional experimentation with specific piano preparations which define the content and generate the morphology of the music in the moment. 2. Drew Wesely: electric guitar Blank Body is an intermedia audiovisual work by Drew Wesely using material drawn from improvisations on prepared guitar and other objects. Shimmering harmonics, string noise, and feedback dance in hypnotic counterpoint immersing the listener in a vivid sonic environment. Blank Body examines fundamental assumptions of the guitar as a sound making object. Playing the guitar with a cello bow and other objects as well as including the pickup and amplification systems as integral parts of the instrument itself opened up a rich potential for polyphony, percussive textural relationships, and a music more centered around timbre and touch emerged. 3. Zhou / Heenan / Hughes / Dhonau Dong Zhou is an electroacoustic and multimedia composer, performance artist, and instrumentalist residing in Hamburg. Zhou improvises on Found Violin, an improvisation system consisting of prepared instruments, extended techniques, sound objects, live electronics, dramaturgy, and choreography. Alternate Reality II. will be Zhou’s premiere performance with the sporadic trio of Chris Heenan (various woodwinds), Dirk Dhonau, (drum set and percussion) and John Hughes (double bass). Dong Zhou’s approach and sonic universe osmose the pliant and temporal musical structures the trio of Heenan, Hughes, and Dhonau collectively create. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg. Foto Eli Wallace: Meghan Desmond Foto Dong Zhou: Thomas Zydatis