Fr, 09.09.2022, 20:00 Uhr
Frequenzgänge #95: Nina Garcia & Maria Bertel

Duo by danish trombonist Maria Bertel (Selvhenter, Ymers Pizza, GEK), and french guitarist Nina Garcia (Mariachi, Mamiedaragon). Two instruments distorted and extremely played : electricity, wood, coper, iron, wind, they improvised with every parts of their instruments. You'll find noises, randomly harmonies, and a lot of energy for sure. Duo created in 2016 by and for the Sonic Protest Festival, they played at Sonic Protest Festival, Instants Chavirés (Montreuil), All Ears (Oslo), Jazz House (Copenhaguen), Stilverk 1 (Trondheim), Cave 12 (Geneva), Occii (Amsterdam), Festival Météo (FR), Jazzwerkstatt (Bern),...
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