Mo, 28.09.2020, 19:30 Uhr
Festival für Immaterielle Kunst

Neue Musik und Performance Kunst. 2x3 + 1 Performances/Konzerte 28.+29.9.2020 ON STAGE Neo Hülcker (Berlin) – Neo Hülcker’s breaking of the voice concert 2020 Juliet Fraser (London) - tba, with Inga Lankenau (Hamburg), projection mapping Tintin Patrone (Hamburg) - tba IN FRONT OF THE ELBPHILARMONIE Gwen Rouger (France) - Carvan. A concert for one spectator. A performance by G. Rougertickets:
Eintritt: Tagesticket: 20€/15€, Festivalpass: 35€/27€
Ort: Elbphilharmonie