Fr, 17.01.2020, 20:00 Uhr
klub katarakt 15

20:00 Splitter Orchester & The Pitch: Frozen Orchestra 21:30 Morton Feldman: Piano and String Quartet (1985) The Splitter Orchester is a collection of internationally respected composer-performers which draws inspiration from many genres, most noticibly contemporary/improvised music. Ten different nationalities are represented in the orchestra, although all members are based in Berlin. Splitter Orchester is not a homogenous body, but consists of a variety of autonomous and ultra-specialized musicians/composers who choose not to work in an institutionalized framework and put existing hierarchies in the music establishment in question. The group’s work is process-oriented, experimental and anti-hierarchical. The whole group relies on each member equally and deliberately denies established leadership roles. In collaboration with the quartet The Pitch, the concert-length composition Frozen Orchestra was created. Together the two ensembles create a huge wall of sound, changing very slowly but continously. Monochromatic fields of sound grow out of the continuum. In the multicoloured sound of Splitter Orchester, the planar drones receive an iridescent depth, allowing the audience to dive into. In the night concert, klub katarakt is presenting the Hamburg premiere of Morton Feldman’s late 90-minute composition Piano and String Quartet (1985), written for pianist Aki Takahashi and the Kronos Quartet. Feldman’s late work distinguishes itself not only by its sometimes extreme lengths of the compositions. Many of these works are dealing rather with a sort of musical documentation of dissolution. Dissolution of time, dissolution of the borders between composition, intuition, and improvisation. A piece pointing far into the future. A group of Hamburg musicians formed especially for this extraordinary night concert: a string quartet consisting of Lisa Lammel and Desheng Chen (violin), Lucas Schwengebecher (viola) and Michael Heupel (violoncello) with Jan Feddersen at the piano.