So, 06.10.2019, 15:00 Uhr
Herbstfestchen2 mit Andy Ortmann, Viki Viktoria, Function Level Marker, Löss, DRNTTCKS, Fright Eye..

Ein SCHUTE Herbstfestchen am Samstag, den 5, und Sonntag, den 6. OktoberSa.,5.10.:17 Uhr offen -Tea time mit Kaffee, Kuchen & Korn19 Uhr LIVE - DRNTTCKS [free improv/noise collective with the two guitarists Thorben Detlefsen & Franz Joseph Kaputt20 Uhr LIVE - S.U.V. [Autoren-Noise, New Dark Age, FC Bayern]21 Uhr LIVE - Function Level Marker [Ausgeklügelte Breakbeats & lame Techno Videos, Nuremberg]22 Uhr Schute-Bar mit DJ Andy Ortmann [WFMU, The Eternal Now, NYC]So.,6.10.:15 Uhr offen -Tea time mit Kaffee, Kuchen & Kinder17 Uhr LIVE - Fright Eye [goodgaragetimespunk, Aarhus]18 Uhr LIVE - LÖSS [nwoshc Gothenburg]19 Uhr LIVE - Viki Viktoria [electronics, custom circuitry, sound spatiaization and language experiments into combinations of live and telematic performance; Detroit]20 Uhr LIVE - Andy Ortmann LIVE [Electroacoustic / Musique Concrete / Modular Synthesis, Chicago]21 Uhr okDie Schute liegt im Veringkanal.Zugang über den Hinterhof der Honigfabrik, Industriestraße 125, HH-WilhelmsburgDanke VAMHHostel by RDS REC. HHHallo Ömschen KermEintritt SpendenDetails:Function Level Marker ist das neues, audiovisuelle Projekt von Produzent Florian von Ameln (Magnetic Purely, Muzan Editions) und Visual Artist Subrihanna (Prizesin Haralt). Ausgeklügelte elektronische Tracks zwischen Breakbeats und verlangsamten Techno mischen sich mit Videos, die in zeitgenössischem Grafikdesign verwurzelt sind. Live oszillieren Sound und Bild konstant aufeinander zu und voneinander weg. S.U.V. – dem Kürzel für Sex UndViolence – steckt Franz Joseph Kaputt. DieTestcard hat seine Musik mal als „Autoren-Noise“ bezeichnet, so richtigmusikalisch festlegen lässt er sich aber nicht. Nach dem verhuschten Grusel-Folk seinesletzten Albums und den harschenNo-Input-Noise-Drones seines ersten Albums „New Dark Age“ verbindet er aktuelldub-orientierte Beats mit Dronegitarren, sichins endlose wiederholendeSynthesizerschleifen mit Spoken Word-Fetzen, und sakrale Melodika-Arrangements mitschmutzigen Folk-Anleihen. Daneben betreibt er noch das Tapelabel Otomatik Muziek, auf dem neben seinen eigenen Tapes undDRNTTCKS beispielsweise auch Yann Gourdon von der Band France, Nils Quak oder Günter Schlienzveröffentlichen.Andy Ortmann: Sound/Video/Conceptual artist (Chicago USA) focusing in Electroacoustic / Musique Concrete / Modular Synthesis genres. Ortmann has been composing since 1990 and is the founding member of long-running experimental abstract group Panicsville, as well as running the avant-garde label Nihilist Recordings. Ortmann received his MFA in Sound from SAIC in 2012. Ortmann has been awarded numerous Arts Grants over the years funding a multitude of vinyl releases, CDs and performances.In addition, Ortmann hosts The Eternal Now on WFMU, a podcast dedicated to Musique Concreté, experimental, electroacoustic, post-punk,etc. VIKI Viktoria (aka VIKI) is the pseudonym of Detroit multidisciplinary artist, improvisor and composer Lindsay Karty, whose work involves historic and contemporary electronics, custom circuitry, sound spatiaization and language experiments into combinations of live and telematic performance. VIKI formed from the same pond of DIY electronics as Wolf Eyes, Maximum Cloud, Nautical Almanac and went on to obtain an MFA, studying with composer Pauline Oliveros. Karty continues to host Deep Listening events in Detroit, as part of her ongoing certification. VIKI moves fluidly between sound worlds, street-smart as well as school-smart. In 2016, she co-curated Detroit’s inaugural Trip Metal Fest, which hosted Morton Subotnik, Heiroglyphic Being + Marshall Allen & Danny Ray Thompson, among many others.VIKI has toured with Wolf Eyes, ADULT. and Paper Rad’s Extreme Animals. She is also a member of SLIKI, a duo with Stallone the Reducer. She actively practices and collaborates in live multi-channel speaker performance in acoustically interesting spaces and club situations. Drexciya’s Gerald Donald called VIKI ‘The Gary Numan of Noise’. Viktoria (aka VIKI) is the pseudonym of Detroit multidisciplinary artist, improvisor and composer Lindsay Karty, whose work involves historic and contemporary electronics, custom circuitry, sound spatiaization and language experiments into combinations of live and telematic performance. VIKI formed from the same pond of DIY electronics as Wolf Eyes, Maximum Cloud, Nautical Almanac and went on to obtain an MFA, studying with composer Pauline Oliveros. Karty continues to host Deep Listening events in Detroit, as part of her ongoing certification. VIKI moves fluidly between sound worlds, street-smart as well as school-smart. She is also a member of SLIKI, a duo with Stallone the Reducer. She actively practices and collaborates in live multi-channel speaker performance in acoustically interesting spaces and club situations.ÖSS [nwoshc Gothenburg] _Fright Eye [goodgaragetimespunk, Aarhus]