Di, 15.10.2019, 20:00 Uhr
Präsentation #66 Agnes Hvizdalek

Abstract Vocal Music Agnes Hvizdalek is an improvising musician originating from Vienna’s experimental music scene and is based in Oslo and Vienna. From an early age, she has dedicated her life to new music and her fascination with the human voice. She celebrates this in her abstract vocal music, for which she has received international acclaim. Always exploring new horizons, Hvizdalek has engaged in numerous cross-disciplinary collaborations merging voice and visual and performance art, dance, theatre, film, writing. In her presentation she gives an overview over her artistic development with examples from past and current projects and collaborations. She happily shares her thoughts about the role of the human voice in music and her approach to practicing and teaching vocal techniques. http://www.agneshvizdalek.at “Präsentationen” ist eine Vortragsreihe des VAMH zu verschiedenen Positionen aktueller Musik. In der Vortragsreihe stellen Musiker, Komponisten, Klangkünstler und Theoretiker ihre Arbeiten vor oder dozieren zu einem spezifischen Thema aus dem Bereich der aktuellen Musik. ......................... Die Reihe Präsentationen wird gefördert von der Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.