Sa, 22.06.2019, 23:00 Uhr
Lea Fabrikant (Strings) und Ansgar Wilken (Perkussion) bei 'unlimited liability' / Instrumentenbau

Lea Fabrikant and Ansgar Wilken (both Berlin) once again 'activate' the resonance room of Instrumentenbau Pinazola // Werkstatt für Musik und Akustik. Over a dozen meters of piano wires stretched between the walls are plucked, bowed, and rubbed along with percussion on various objects and enharmonic intruments in a 360° sound perfromance. Late, late night bonus: Second 'unlimited liability' Vinyl Record Trade Party. Bring your LPs and trade them with our stock. Turntables and amplification available.And also check the Münzviertel Straßenfest during the day (starting 2pm)!
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