Mi, 18.04.2018, 21:30 Uhr
Stark Bewölkt: Thomas Olbrechts/ Leopold Hurt

Die Reihe Stark Bewölkt präsentiert in der hörbar zwei Musiker, den Saxofonisten Thomas Olbrechts und den Hamburger Leopold Hurt, Komponist und Zitherspieler Dazu Kurzfilme von Karl Valentin Thomas Olbrechts (Belgium, Brussels)Saxophonist and instant composer (°1975) has developed a strong individual musical discourse that plays off rigid saxophone techniques and composition systems against each other. As an alto saxophone player "pur sang" he can be considered as a real autodidact. T.O. is exploring the most diverse dynamics of his instrument, ranging from almost inaudible introvert sounds to screaming sequences, to ways of playing the saxophone which are related to the tradition of jazz or contemporary music. In April 2018 his first solo album will be released on the the Brazilian label: SEMINAL RECORDS https://soundcloud.com/tags/thomas%20olbrechts