Mi, 21.06.2017, 13:00 Uhr
Workshop: How to listen to something and turn it into something else

What happens when materials exceed their mutual boundaries? When wood becomes circle, when you become hand, when street become sound? We will explore how one media can be translated into another and how something can become a pattern or a model for the creation of sound. For example by translating contour lines where tree tops meets the sky or the movement of a highway in rushhour into an auditive sequence.In the workshop with Copenhagen-based sound artists Felia Gram-Hanssen and Jaleh Negari the participants are invited to use the city, our bodies, architecture, drawing, ears and eyes in order to map out universes of sound. Felia Gram-Hansen gratuated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen 2015 and is a drummer in the band Thulebasen. Felia’s artistic practice consists of performance, video and sound installations. She works with the body as composition and investigates how movement can be a source for sound and vice versa. Felia’s works are often based on cross-genre collaboration, and she works with artists from both dance, theatre and music. https://vimeo.com/feliagram Jaleh Negari is a composer and drummer in the bands Selvhenter and Pinkunoizu. She works as a solo artist and is a co-founder of the publishing and artist collective Eget Værelse (Translates: Room of one’s own). http://www.egetvaerelse.dk/ http://www.thewire.co.uk/audio/tracks/listen-tracks-by-selvhenter-and-eget-vaerelse-cohort/ More info: https://www.unsichtbar.net/#ACT7