Mi, 14.06.2017, 21:00 Uhr
blurred edges – Timo Dufner live @ Re:Fokus

statistical models and random decisions: Audiovisuelle Kunst im B-Movie AV-Konzert Timo Dufner - Markov Chainmit anschließendem Screening weiterer aktueller audiovisueller Produktionen Timo Dufner, a musician and visual artist in the field of media and information technology, performs as an audio-video live act while he is also part of various production teams in electronic music. The main focus of his work lies in the exploitation of software failures, so called glitches, real time processing, live coding, machine learning as well as the direct interaction of sound and image. Markov Chain is a audio-visual performance based on machine learning algorithms and sensorial input as well as local radio signals. Audio and video is generated by separate markov chains (statistical models based on random decisions) interacting at the moment of presentation. The artist himself is reduced to be a moderator and curator of the show. http://www.facebook.com/groups/605272462870266