Mi, 15.02.2017, 21:00 Uhr
stark bewölkt im Februar

Gene Coleman, bassklarinette Michael Maierhof, cello Birgit Ulher, trompete, radio, lautsprecher, objecte Jan Feddersen & Robert Engelbrecht Robert Engelbrecht und Jan Feddersen (Hamburg), Mitglieder des Komponisten-Kollektivs Nelly Boyd, spielen auch regelmäßig als Duo zusammen. Die Kompositionen mit improvisatorischen Anteilen konzentrieren sich auf Drones sowie reine Stimmung, Glissando-Verläufe und Raumklang. Beide Musiker organisieren das jährliche klub katarakt Festival auf Kampnagel. Zusammenarbeit mit Christian Wolff, Phill Niblock, Alvin Lucier, Charles Curtis, La Monte Young, Andrea Parkins, Rhys Chatham, Eddie 135, Trio Scordatura, Makino Takashi, Josephin Böttger, Matthias Kaul u.a. Gene Coleman is a composer, musician and director. A 2014 Guggenheim Fellow and the winner of the 2013 Berlin Prize for Music, he has created over 70 works for various instrumentation and media. Innovative use of sound, image, space and time allows Coleman to create work that expands our understanding of the world. Since 2001 his work has focused on the global transformation of culture and music's relationship with other media, such as architecture, video and dance. He studied painting, music and film making at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where his principle teachers included experimental film artists Stan Brakhage and Ernie Gehr, composer Robert Snyder and painter Barbara Rossi. His recent works include “In the Midst of Things” -- a collaboration with the artists Allora & Calzadilla for the 2015 Venice Biennale. In 2016 he became Director of the American Composers Forum in Philadelphia.