Mo, 09.01.2017, 13:00 Uhr
Workshop w. Hanan Benammar Radikal Unsichtbar ACT5

Workshop / Radio performance: HANAN BENAMMAR (DZ/FR/NO) Installation / Performance:CLAUDIA LOMOSCHITZ (DE/AUT) _______________________________________ WORKSHOP: Monday 9. Jan 13 - 18h Tuesday 10. Jan 13 - 18h (Visit Hamburg Museum für Völkerkunde) Wednesday 11. Jan. 13 - 18h Thursday 12. Jan. 13 - 18h (Live radio performance 14.00-16.00) OPENING: Friday 13. January19 - 23h Artist talk w. Hanan Benammar and Claudia Lomoschitz20 - 21.30h LIVE RADIO SHOW @ Radio FSK Thursday 12. January 14.00 - 16.00h93.0 FM, 101,4 Kabel EXHIBITION: Saturday 14. JanuarySunday 15. January12 - 18h ______________________________ REGISTRATION: Please register for the workshop latest 22th of December by sending a short application (incl. your name, city, occupation, short motivation (max. 100 words) and tell us if you can bring your own sound-recorder): Max. 10 participantsParticipation price: No fee Radikal Unsichtbar - Centre for Collective Learning and Radical Listening in Gängeviertel / Raum Linksrechts, Valentinskamp 37, 20355 Hamburg ______________________________ Through the work-and-title-in-progress lexicon Desert Bærbær we will investigate Hamburg’s colonial history in the workshop NOMENRATURE by French/Algerian Oslo-based artist Hanan Benammar. The workshop participants are invited to join a collective artistic research and to perform an experimental radio play together, which will be sent live through Radio FSK. The title of the workshop is a neologism of the words Nomen (lat.: name) and Rature (fr.: to cross out words with a horisontal line) referring to Nomenclature (br.: system of names). In the performative installation piece Shamanistic Cultivation Camp by Austrian artist Claudia Lomoschitz, based in Hamburg and Vienna, we will listen to exotic plants and fruits, exploring the ethical borders of inter-organical relationships. Is it possible to force a plant to read the latin alphabeth? Is it acceptable to keep an ananas trapped in a plastic bag? ______________________________ Radikal Unsichtbar ACT 5: NOMENRATURE is presented in collaboration with Radio FSK (Freies Sender Kombinat), Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg and Raum Linksrechts in Gängeviertel, and is kindly supported by Hamburger Kulturbehörde, Nordic Culture Fund and Danish Art Council.