Mi, 07.12.2016, 21:00 Uhr
das Konzert fällt leider aus - Nicola Hein & Stark Bewölkt Trio

Stark Bewölkt – Konzertreihe für aktuelle Musik präsentiert: Nicola Hein & Stark Bewölkt Trio Nicola Hein, guitar, preparations Michael Maierhof, cello Birgit Ulher, trumpet, radio, objects, speakers Heiner Metzger, samplr NICOLA L. HEIN The guitarist, soundartist, philosopher and composer Nicola L. Hein is one of the busiest players on the German scene of improvised music. He plays the guitar with his hands and plectrum but also with a lot of different objects: screws, rulers, iron wool, violin bow, abrasive paper, magnets and many other objects which are part of his musical vocabulary. The result is his very own world of sounds, which is using the rich potential of the guitar as a creator of sounds. The manual creation is a very important character of this sound world, which never gets distorted by the use of electronic effects. He has collaborated with musicians like Evan Parker, Phil Minton, John Russell, Paul Lytton, Frank Gratkwoski, Michael Vorfeld, Rudi Mahall, Christian Lillinger,Tobias Delius, Liz Allbee, Ute Wassermann, John Butcher, Axel Dörner, Thomas Lehn,Tristan Honsinger, Sofia Jernberg, Audrey Chen, Peter Jacquemyn, Alfred Zimmerlin etc. https://www.nicolahein.com/ Hörbar, Brigittenstr. 5 (Hinterhof), 20359 Hamburg https://www.hoerbar-ev.de