Di, 29.12.2015, 21:00 Uhr
Ausklangfestival 2015: Lee Patterson Lola and Yukao meet Nika Son

Lee Patterson Drawing upon his parallel practice of sound recording as a form of training for the ears, Patterson performs live with a selection of amplified devices and processes. From rock chalk to springs, from burning nuts to vibrating metal, he plays with objects otherwise considered mute. His collaborations have seen him work with with some of the most respected experimental musicians active today. His works have featured on UK TV, BBC Radios 3, 4 and 6, Resonance FM and on radio stations worldwide. He lives and works in Prestwich, Manchester, UK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4TL_pSS9eQ Lola and Yukao Meet (LYM) is a couple of European artists, who explores the association of free hand drawing through interactive digital graphics with augmented electric cello and urban and organic soundscapes. Ambitious, beautiful and inspirational, LYM performance opens the way to a new approach for live digital graphics where the graphic artist can combine imaginative graphical expression with instrumental music performance. Lola Ajima's soundscapes build on urban or industrial sounds and transform them into calm and intimate sound layers. Her cello/bass strokes sculpt melodies and sounds about birth, loss, fear, tenderness, and sadness. The emotive graphics of Yukao Nagemi reflect a world of fantasies, dreams, and inner visions. Enhanced by particles and generative effects, they reach a level of abstraction that opens to the onlooker's own imaginary. Lola and Yukao Meet's artworks build a world of symbols and fantasies. The intricate association of soundscapes, music, graphics, and digital effects carries the audience through initiative journeys with references to human myths and dystopian artifacts of our contemporary lives. Presentation of projects: http://www.lolaandyukaomeet.com/media/LYMapplandscape.v7.pdf Lola Ajima is the artist name of an independent bass player and composer. She has played in three bands of progressive independent rock music. Her current band, named Uku Maze, explores the dream pop industrial sound. She also composes sound scapes for the Berlin-based dance company Rorstromsk and soundtracks for short movies. Lola Ajima's bio: http://www.lolaandyukaomeet.com/media/CV_LolaAjima_2015.pdf Yukao Nagemi is a visual artist who combines figurative hand drawing with abstract generative digital effects. He questions our relationships to science and technology and their dramatic syndromes. As media, he uses ink and tablet drawing, live graphic performance, programs for generative graphical effects, and video. Yukao Nagemi's bio: http://www.lolaandyukaomeet.com/media/CV_Yukao_Nagemi_2015.pdf http://www.lolaandyukaomeet.com/ Nika Son Nicht weit entfernt von der geographischen Mitte Deutschlands geboren zog es Nika Son schon in jungen Jahren in den Norden der Republik, um die Hamburger HfBK zu besuchen. Zunächst als Malerin aktiv, beendete sie ihr Studium als Klangkünstlerin und Musikerin. Am wichtigsten für ihren künstlerischen Werdegang war ihr Weg von skulpturalen zu klang-skulpturale Arbeiten, die sie zur Liebe für manipulierte Feldaufnahmen, Audiofragmente, Synthesizersequenzen und Radiowellen führte. Als DJ (Nikae) betreibt sie auch zwei reguläre Nächte im Hamburger Golden Pudel Club (Next Time & Noctuidae) und gibt ihre Musik auf ihrem eigenen Label Noctui heraus. http://www.nikabreithaupt.de/sound/nika-son/