Sa, 12.12.2015, 18:00 Uhr
Sound Week #1 – Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release

- "Pachinko Playalong" by Leo Hofmann & Andi Otto, audiovisual live performance - "An die verehrte Körperschaft" by Leo Hofmann live performance - "Psalterium Fello" by Andi Otto mini concert Andi Otto and Leo Hofmann will show their audiovisual live performance "Pachinko Playalong" (created at ZKM in 2014) as well as two short solo concerts. "Pachinko Playalong" will also be presented for the first time in an ongoing installation version during the sound week. Afterwards the party will go on at Kraniche bei den Elbbrücken. With VENDREDI performing a live cut for the dancefloor, alongside akaak (Sutsche), Helge Misof (Mu So Be) and Ateq (Giegling).