So, 13.12.2015, 20:00 Uhr
Präsentation 50: Toshimaru Nakamura

Toshimaru Nakamura aus Tokyo stellt seine Musik am no-input mixing board vor. “Präsentationen” ist eine Vortragsreihe des VAMH zu verschiedenen Positionen aktueller Musik. Toshimaru Nakamura‘s instrument is the no-input mixingboard, which describes a way of using a standard mixingboard as an electronic music instrument, producing soundwithout any external audio input. The use of the mixingboard in this manner is not only innovative in the soundsit can create but, more importantly, in the approach thismethod of working with the mixer demands. Nakamurapioneered this approach to the use of the mixing board inthe mid-1990‘s. Sonntag, 13.12.2015, 20.00 Uhr, Eintritt frei Centro Sociale, Sternstraße 2 (Eingang vom Hof), 20357 HH