Di, 12.05.2015, 18:00 Uhr
Artist talk/ Künstlergespräch mit Ragnhild May + Kristoffer Raasted

PUBLIC LECTURE / ARTIST TALKRAGNHILD MAY (DK) + KRISTOFFER RAASTED (DK): Tuesday May 12th 18.00 - 21.00 Ragnhild May and Kristoffer Raasted will present their artistic work, and give a lecture on the history of weird instruments, and introduce us to the workshop project: "Instrumenature" within the frame of "Radikal Unsichtbar - Centre for Collective Learning and Radical Listening". ______________________ ACT 2: INSTRUMENATURE Instrumenature will be a practical and artistic investigation of the musical instrument in relation to the human body. We will explore the sculptural and auditive qualities of the instrument. We will investigate the possibilities and limits of constructed musical instruments, and build our own. We will shape materials and construct instruments for human beings and beyond. Finally we will unite with our creations and send out sonic sculptures into our surroundings. Sounds and shapes that didn't exist in the space before. More info: http://www.unsichtbar.net/ http://www.ragnhildmay.org/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Radikal-Unsichtbar-Centre-for-Collective-Learning-and-Radical-Listening/1580797248809821/