Fr, 17.04.2015, 22:00 Uhr
klingding radio • Feature: Ilia Belorukov und Kurt Liedwart

Freitag 17.4.2015 22.00 - 0.00 • Feature: Ilia Belorukov (St.Petersburg), Kurt Liedwart (Moskau) Interview, Tracks "They started with simple means: microtones, preparations and sinewaves, gradually and drastically changing their playing manner. The only thing remained unchanged: they still thoughtfully structure the sound material on macro- and microlevels.They included the work with space, computer and electronics generated noises, in situ field recordings, psychoacoustics and sound perception in time as well as silence. On the basis of these ideas they had an idea of realizing the project with a long thin wire, the concept of which was started by Alvin Lucier.They continue to work in the improvisational context, which Lucier quickly dropped doing,and try to develop interactive improvisational properties of the long thin wire.Kurt Liedwart plays a long thin wire stretched between two tables whichhe feeds with a sinewave through the amplifier.Natural vibrations of the wire are amplified by the magnet andcontact microphones are installed on both ends of the wire which feed the sound to the PA.Thus using sinewaves of different amplitude and frequency the musicianvaries the natural sound of the wire.Ilia Belorukov moves in the space with his alto saxophone ormoves in the space the sound of electronics and objects.Ilia and Kurt organize Teni Zvuka Festival where they collaborated withRadu Malfatti, Keith Rowe and Norbert Möslang. Contemporary Music Magazine Mikroton Digital Mikroton Recordings Teni Zvuka festival -------- klingding • Radiosendung für aktuelle Musik jeden 3. Freitag im Monat von 22. - 0.00 Uhr Freies Senderkombinat Hamburg 93.0/101.4 mhz oder per Stream Moderation, Produktion: Heiner Metzger