Fr, 28.07.2006, 21:00 Uhr
Dawid Szczesny (Polen) This young artist from Poland uses piano tones as source material, arranges them in a quite moody, ambientish and relaxing way and adds a few layers of small crackling noises on top like the ones taken from a quite old and worn out vinyl record. Due to this the whole album sounds very warm and the cover text does mention that some people refer to it as film music, which is a good description indeed although there is a few irritating skips breaking up that relaxing athmosphere. Those being familiar with the musical works of Oval will recognize parallels here. HANS FALOPPEN (Hamburg) Im Rahmen der monatlichen Konzertreihe der Hörbar / B- Movie tritt alsmusikalischer Gast HANS FALOPPEN als Vertreter des Kollektivs sekundärerKlangerzeugung "niet zo goed voor oren" auf. "NzgvO" bildet ein ForumzurEntwicklung von Störgeräuschen und generierter Virtual- Muziek. Hans istklassisch ungebildeter Musiker (Akkordeon); seine Schallinstallationenfinden sich im Kontext antistruktureller Sinnenteignung alsklanggewordene Konturlosigkeit: “Virtual-Muziek-Concrete" (ViMuC #4). Internetierung: