Mi, 29.10.2014, 21:30 Uhr
Stark Bewölkt - Tilde: Attila Faravelli, Nicola Ratti, Enrico Malatesta
Stark Bewölkt - Konzertreihe für aktuelle Musik: Diesmal zu Gast das Trio "Tilde" aus Italien, bestehend aus Attila Faravelli, Nicola Ratti and Enrico Malatesta. Tilde is a sonic intervention trio.Our aim is realizing sound actions which are at the same time separated from and joined to a specific context, as if caring about this gap orjust dealing with it could expand/destabilize both ourself and what's around us. We utilize some spare objects, a snare drum and few analog synthesizer’s modules to provoke a mutual relationship between artificiallyproduced sounds and some sites that happen to grab our musical interest. Far from being an empty container to our actions, these sitesreact by affording some of their unlimited aural possibilities, both imagined and real. Our interventions (as much in the open air as in thecontrolled environment of a stage concert) are structured as if they were emanating from the way that we, in so far as perceiving bodies,are able to listen to a specific space’s character, to the shape and material constitution of the physical objects that it contains and to ourown tools’ and instruments’ behaviour under certain conditions. https://www.tildehome.tumblr.com Attila Faravelli (1976) lives and works in Milano (Italy). In his practice he explores the relationship between sound, space and body.His music has been released by the labels Die Schachtel, Senufo Editions, Boring Machines, Presto!? and he presented his work in Europe,USA, Cina and South Korea. In 2010 he partecipated to the 12th International Biennial of Architecture in Venice. Since 2011 he curatesThe Lift, series of experimental music concerts in Milano. In 2012 he was chosen as the italian curator for the Sounds of Europe project.He is founder and curator for the Aural Tools project, a series of simple objects to document the material and conceptual processes ofspecific musicians’ sound production practice. Aural Tools are acoustic devices for relating sound to space, the listener, and the body inways unavailable through traditional recorded media such as CDs or LPs. https://www.attilafaravelli.tumblr.com Enrico Malatesta (1985) is a percussionist active in the field of contemporary music; his personal activity and research is aimed toextend the sonic and multi material possibilities of percussion instruments through simple gestural techniques, able to realize complexpolyrhythms and multiple sounds between performer, instrument and space’s vastness.His solo performances and collaborations have been presented throughout Europe, North America, Japan and South Korea and he hasrecordings published by the labels Presto!? Records, Second Sleep, Senufo Editions, Entr’acte, Alku, Aural Tools, Weighter Recordings,Triscele Registrazioni, Consumer Waste. Enrico Malatesta has been stage musician for Teatro Valdoca between 20072013and he iscurator of Grande Stagione, an indipendent platform for experimental music in Cesena and neighboring areas. https://www.enricomalatesta.com Nicola Ratti (1978) began his musical career as guitar player. Lately his approach is focused on beatanalogexperimentation and soundinstallation. He is currently working with: Giuseppe Ielasi (bellows), Attila Faravelli as Faravelliratti, Tilde, a trio with Enrico Malatesta andAttila Faravelli. He played guitar from 2007 to 2013 in the desertic soundtrackbandRonin. He has performed live in Europe and NorthAmerica, and his albums had been released by Anticipate, Preservation, Die Schachtel, Entr’acte, Senufo Editions, Holidays Records,Megaplomb, Musica Moderna, Boring Machines, Coriolis Sounds, Zymogen. He collaborates also with visual artists such as AlessandroRoma and Blisterzine/NastyNasty. Since September 2013 hs’e the curator of a series of events concerning sound and performance hostedby O’ in Milano called The Variable Series. He’s one of the promoters/artists of Auna since its firts edition (sept. 2012), an electroacoustismusic festival conceived as a research/exchange moment between italianbasedartists. https://www.nicolaratti.com Hörbar Brigittenstr. 5 (Hinterhof) 20359 Hamburg https://www.hoerbar-ev.de