Fr, 25.07.2014, 20:00 Uhr
Igorrr Live Band + incite/ + Helge Meyer + Rapidax + DJs

Igorrr live band (Ad noiseum)Gautier Serre (Igorrr) on Hardware and Laure Le Prunenec and Laurent Lunoir vocals. Coming out of the studio to perform there baroquecore sound. "We’ve been listening to Igorrr’s stuff for the past several days and there is literally no way to categorize it. A single track might toss in a little Texas two-step, an old-timey jazz sample, some cut-up drum ‘n’ bass beats, a smidgen of trip-hop and industrial, some pretty ambient piano and an operatic baritone. It’s like Mike Patton, Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin and Kerry King made an album together. Except it’s all one guy. It’s amazing." weirdestbandintheworld.comVideo: incite/ (Hands Productions)nach eineinhalb Jahren und vielen internationalen Medienkunstfestivals mal wieder in Hamburg, und dann auf der Stubnitz :o)Semi-narrative Visuals mit viel Freude am Detail auf dem Punkt mit ihrer eigenen Mischung aus sensiblem Glitch, dreckigem Elektro, fragmentiertem Dubstep und futuristischem Industrial - audiovisuell und elektrifizierend! Rapidax (legs akimbo records)Guitars, kick drums, and anything else that makes noize!