Mi, 02.04.2014, 21:00 Uhr
stark bewölkt im April

Ernesto Rodrigues, viola Nuno Torres, altsaxophon Michael Maierhof, cello Heiner Metzger, soundtable Birgit Ulher, trumpet, radio, speaker, objects Ernesto Rodrigues + Nuno Torres A Lisbon duo, viola and alto saxophone.The musical focus on exploration of sounds and textures.A non conventional instrumental language, playing with notions oftimbre, plasticity and color.An aesthetic free form of improvisation within minimal approach.Nearing silence and privileging a close relationship with theacoustic space.An overall music experience of intimacy and detail. Ernesto RodriguesHe has been playing the violin for 30 years and in that time has played all genres of music ranging fromcontemporary music to free jazz and improvised music, live and in the studio. His main interest shifted towardscontemporary improvised and composed music. The relationship with his instruments is focused in sonic andtextural elements.Electronic music was an early influence on his approach to violin playing, which challenges traditional romanticconcepts of the violin/viola through use of preparations and micro tuning. Active in different settings on thePortuguese scene for free improvised music, both as a collaborator and in leading his own groups. Music for Dance,Cinema, Video and Performance. Has created the record label Creative Sources Recordings in 1999, which mainlyconcentrates on releasing experimental and electroacousticmusic. Nuno TorresStudied alto saxophone within a jazz tradition spectrum. His continuous solo experimental research explores a widescope of sound material through the use of the extended technics. Participates in several ensembles ofimprovisational music, electro acoustics and reductionism.Collaborates with other musicians such as, Ernesto Rodrigues, Ricardo Jacinto, Sei Miguel, Fala Mariam, JoãoCastro Pinto, Manuel Mota, David Stackenäs, Paulo Raposo, Carlos Santos, César Burago, José Oliveira, ShioriUsui, C. Spencer Yeh, Cyril Bondi and d’incise, and projects as Orquestra de Geometria Variável, IKB, CACTO,PinkDraft,In the recent years has been also collaborating in several different projects at the intersection of the performativeareas of dance, theatre and the visual arts (PARQUE, Les Voisins, Eye Height, Adriana Sá, Beatriz Cantinho).Participates and curates experimental and community radio initiatives.