Mi, 04.12.2013, 20:00 Uhr
Mika Vainio/Ryan Jordan - Electronic Exploration into Sound

Live: MIKA VAINIO RYAN JORDAN On the 4th of December Mika Vainio brings his colossal sonic explorations to the dark underbelly of the Stubnitz. Originally as half of the Finnish duo Pan Sonic, Mika Vainio has been creating bass heavy sound since the mid nineties. The form is varied whether it is abstract drone or avant minimal techno, his sound is distinctive due to its analogue warmth and electronic harshness.He has released on labels like editions Mego, Touch, Wavetrap and Sähkö and has been producing with Alan Vega of Suicide, Keiji Haino, Chicks on Speed, John Duncan and Bruce Gilbert. A review from Boomkat describes his most recent album 'Kilo', “ Mika Vainio measures out one of his finest releases to date...With a barely tamed sense of aggression, it more or less finds the perfect crux point between the beats-driven 'Oleva' and the granite hewn and bloodied metal excursion, 'Life (…It Eats You Up)'...mass, dynamic and tone are succinctly reflected in context of his shipping-themed track titles, and surely implied by its frighteningly physical presence. It feels very much like one man taking control of his daemons, strengthening his whip hand and honing his ability to deliver deadly force where it matters, making every pause between the beats count with breathtaking efficiency.” Mika Vainio's most recent album uses Found Sounds from the shipping container industry. To place this sound within the harsh industrial architecture of the Stubnitz, with a sound system that is unparalleled in Hamburg, makes this a very special event, one which should not be missed. http://www.mikavainio.com/ Featured on the same night is London Noise producer Ryan Jordan. A graduate from the infamous Goldsmiths University Jordans sound is harsh and explorative. Creating his own genres such as 'Possession Trance' and 'Retro-Death-Telegraphy' Jordan uses a wide array of machinery to openly confront the audiences interaction with the Outside. Jordan describes his performance as:“Immersion of the self is made by high volume noise, direct amplification of an electric signal passed through processed metals controlled by high powered electronic ionization of xenon gas. Simultaneous, synchronic audiovisual stimuli is produced, accompanied by the stench of holy wood, clove, and nutmeg...Firing like a spasmodic machine gun spewing out incandescent howls and screams of white noise, automatically reloading, the onslaught continues as possession trance manifests. Something other has entered you, nonhuman. It is the nonhuman we are now in communication with.” Using different types of metal as amplifiers and using fast bursts of strobe lighting this is a performance that will shock and enthrall. Using ritualistic iconography as a backdrop to his experimental sound Jordan is exploring new and exciting areas in music practice. https://www.ryanjordan.org/home.html Find a review of his show here: https://www.blog.frieze.com/wysing-music-festival/ Opening DJ: Nikae (Golden Pudel/HH) https://www.soundcloud.com/nikacis/midnight-before-moonlight