Fr, 27.09.2013, 22:00 Uhr

Iku Sakan und Stefkovic van InteresseEinlass 21 uhr, Konzertbeginn 22 UhrIku SakanIku Sakan ist Klangkünstler, Improvisator, DJ und Organisator aus Osaka. Als Solo-Künstler arbeitet er mit verschiedenen Mix-Techniken: Kombinationen von Computer produzierten, elektronischen, organischen Sounds und Objektklängen.spielte bisher:Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Mexico, Malaysia, China & JapanKooperationen mit: Frisk Frugt, Muneomi Senju, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Michael Northam, Chie Mukai, Butchy Fuego, Kakawaka etc...Festivals: - All Tomorrows Partie's (Minehead, UK, *as a member of Maher Shalal Hash Baz), - Avantgard Festival (Schiphorst, DE, *as a member of Meeting of the Spirits), - Sally Can't Dance (Beijing, CN, *as a member of Ad Hoc Improv Committee) van Interesse started making music in 2007.Initially he experimented in the field of noise and pushed his boundaries on stage. Lately he has found a new element to transform his sound - field recordings.Over the past year he has built up a colorful collection of field recordings of his travels and day to day life, from which he combines carefully constructed loops into soundscapes."Give the world a listen and you’ll discover natural rhythms. I take those and put them into an unexpected context." He explains.Especially sounds that usually go unnoticed blossom in Stefkovic’s music. Rich textures are unfolding, stretching beyond there place of origin, thus creating a new space for them to breath. The journey might start out in the forest, but listening carefully you will end up somewhere else that bears no resemblance to the sound source. The sonic experience translates well into images and Stefkovic van Interesse is working with visual artist Maxi Schramm to combine both worlds in his live show.Let the journey begin.