Mi, 12.06.2013, 20:00 Uhr
Doppelkonzert Frauke Aulbert SOLO / Bernard Lubat SOLO

DOPPELKONZERT SOLO FRAUKE AULBERT VOCAL ACROBATICS SOLO BERNARD LUBATVOCAL ACROBATICSFrauke Aulbert, solo voiceVocal Acrobatics combines pieces by todays most famous female voice-performers with more classical avantegarde music by female composers. Some of the pieces, although highly challenging, already belong to the standart catalogue of contemporary music singers. All pieces, although deriving from different musical directions, are very seldomly performed in general and some may with this concert even be first-performed in Hamburg.The program provides a wide palett of vocal range and colours. Some pieces require classical singing in different ways, others pop/rock-singing, beatboxing, folksinging-styles, omnomatopoeia and vocal noises. Some are pure vocal music, others need a strong performative presence of the singer. Only pieces by female composers are presented in this project, from worldwide highly regarded performers like Meredith Monk to a very recent work by Charlotte Seither, which was first performed by Frauke Aulbert. The program is composed of pure written music and such works which derive from active performances. This combination is rare. Among todays famous vocal-performers women are by far more frequent than men; the contrary we find regarding the established composers-scene. Joining those two main ways of experimental music, performed by a female vocal perfomer who actually will work on the pieces with most of the composers, the program will context both streams in a new way and hopefully will inspire both young composers-performers as well as the autitory.Cathy Berberian (1925-1983, US) Stripsody Meredith Monk (*1942, US)Our Lady of Late (exerpt) Judith Weir(*1954, UK)King Harald’s Saga Kaija Saariaho(*1952,Finnland) Lohn for voice and tapeCharlotte Seither (*1965, D)The Long Distance from Zero to One (2010) Jennifer Walshe (*1974,Ireland) Glori BERNARD LUBAT SOLO - Wer ihn spielen hört, glaubt es mit einem Ein-Mann-Freistil-Zirkus zu tun zu haben. Er ist Pianist, Akkordeonist, Schlagzeuger, Sänger, Komponist - und vor allem Visionär. Bernard Lubat widersetzt sich den gängigen Prinzipien des Musikmarktes und lebt in sei-nem Dorf die Idee einer universellen Musikpoesie. Wenn Bernard Lubat solo spielt, ist nur eines sicher: Es wird nach Chanson und Freejazz, nach Musette und Valse klingen. Aber eben nur unter anderem - alles andere passiert live und spontan.