Mi, 18.04.2012, 21:00 Uhr
Stark Bewölkt: Diatribes with Dragos Tara / Guy & Gregory

DIATRIBES + DRAGOS TARA (Genf): cyril bondi (percussions, objects) d'incise (laptop, objects) + dragos tara (double bass) GUY & GREGORY (Hamburg): gregory büttner (objects, electronic) guy saldanha (ukulele) Die Hörbar öffnet um 21 Uhr. Konzertbeginn um 21:30 Uhr! DRAGOS TARA:Dragos Tara was born in 1976 in Bucarest, but has lived in Switzerland since the age of 5. He studied double bass at the conseratory in Montreux and Lausanne, From to 2002 to 2007, he studied composition and electroacoustics at the conservatory in Geneva.After discovering many different musics (rock, jazz, classical, balkan music) he he is now active in many groups of improvised music : Hibiki (Laurent Bruttin, cl./CH, Kim Myhr., gt/ Norw.), a duo with Sébastien Roux (FR/electronic.), l'Ensemble Silence (live music for silent movies), KikU*2 4tet.Dragos has realized different projects: Performance for musiciens, dancers et electronics in the former jails of Vevey (2005) ; Jeu : duel musical pour double-quartet (2004), solo concerts and a doublebass quartet.He has also written music for various ensembles: Ensemble Vortex, compagnie CH.AU, íllorkestra, Bolouris 5tet, Ostermundigen symphonic Orchestra . https://www.dragostara.blogspot.com DIATRIBES (Genf):"magnetic freedom, interaction, intensity and fluctuation, breaths, quiverings, cracklings, bearings, masses, crash, chaos. Sound matter builded, deformed, tears off influence of the reason, imploses and becomes again the dreams behind our eyelids" diatribes, a strongly libertarian ensemble, began its existence in a Geneva basement in Winter 2004. Adapting the improvised and experimental music languages of today, the duo is highly reactive, dynamic, percussive and/or textured. Initialy a trio, diatribes became a polymorphous formation, accuratly incomplete, extending each time its spectrum with guest musicians, from freejazz to electroacoustic improv, from loud sound wall to intimistic acoustic details, crossing the road of Barry Guy, Keith Rowe, Jason Kahn, Jacques Demierre, Christian Weber, Ernesto Rodriguez, Tomas Korber, Jean Bordé, Mick Beck, etc, travelling through europe to create new entities, with Adbul Moimême in Portugal, Hannah Marshall in England, Rafal Mazur in Poland or HKM+ in Germany. d'incise (1983):You'll usually find d'incise behinds is laptop, doing one thousand things in the same time. Uncontrollable noise maker, engages battles without compromise with objects of every kind, mistreating them through digital elements. Working with textures, breaks, tensions and spectral atmospheres, he is looking to play in a reactive manner, pushing the limits of his machine, trying to break the distinction between acoustic and treatements. Loves to share and spread its albums and creations on the web, he’s the founder of improvised music Insubordinations Netlabel and deeply rooted into the free culture thinking. Cyril Bondi (1980):Constantly searching for new spaces to explore, he uses his instrument as a way to touch upon surrealist worlds. The pulsation, a simple tribal dance that solicits the mind, is deconstructed and reappears with a start underlining the complexity of his sound. He evolves as a tightrope walker, sweeping the void around him with his arms, giving it a human or bestial face. Cyril Bondi plays the drums since 1994. He is a founding member of the band Plaistow (post-jazz). https://www.dincise.net/diatribes