Mi, 13.04.2011, 21:30 Uhr
Stark Bewölkt: collectief reFLEXible / Gregory Büttner

collectief reFLEXible (Belgien): Since its founding, the collectief reFLEXible has realized several projects; created live soundtracks for “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang and interpreted graphic scores by Logothetis and Cornelius Cardew. It created performances such as "Liveness::Part of the Game", conceptualized by Thomas Olbrechts and worked on the meta-composition "More or Less" by and together with Austrian composer/performer Karlheinz Essl. The ensemble forms the musical core during the work-in-progress performance "One by One" by Joachim Devillé and last but not least the collective performs compositions by Stefan Prins such as "Ventriloquium". This composition was especially written for the collective and the Antwerp-based ensemble for contemporary and experimental music Champ d'Action, and reflects the intensive and fruitfull long-term collaboration with Champ d'Action that started in 2004. The piece premiered at Transit Festival, STUK Leuven in 2006 and was recorded and broadcasted by Klara radio. Collectief reFLEXible worked the last five years in different ad hoc settings or at long-term projects with Fred van Hove, Peter Jacqemyn, Bart Maris, André Goudbeek, Dirk Wauters, Tatsuya Nakatani, Assif Tsahar, c.r.i.m.e., John Russell, Horacio Curti, Scott Rosenberg, Paul Hubweber, Nate Wooley, Jack Wright, Steve Swell, Building Transmissions, Geographique, Aeyelen Parolin, Kayoko Minami and many others. Besides these different collaborations and projects, they perform regularly as a trio in Belgium and abroad. Gregory Büttner: "Wenn uns jemand hört - sag - wir haben einfach kurz Luft geschnappt". Das 18 minütige elektroakustische Stück ist die "audio-only"-Version von der Musik für die Performance "Wenn uns jemand sieht - sag - wir haben einfach kurz Luft geschnappt" von Anja Winterhalter. https://www.gregorybuettner.de