Sa, 06.11.2010, 21:00 Uhr
CO-ME-DI-A Showcase

HfMT Hamburg Schauspielstudio 3 NetPLAY Renditions – Alain Renaud / Curtis McKinney A man, A Mark, Amen – Felipe Hickmann / Caetano Galindo Netgraph – Pedro Rebelo Webwork I – Justin Yang This programme features four newly commissioned network-centric works, which explore the role of live computer graphics for rendering interaction and telepresence. Visualisation and real-time notation is used to provide musical structures and interactions across the network. Performers include Franziska Schroeder, Gascia Ouzounian, Evan Parker, Pedro Rebelo (Belfast), Clemens Frühstück, Christian Polheimer, Andrea Molnar and Elisabeth Harnik (Graz) and Carola Schaal and John Eckhardt (Hamburg).
Eintritt: frei