Fr, 05.11.2010, 20:30 Uhr
Co-ME-DI-A Showcase

HfMT Hamburg Schauspielstudio 3 Net 20th Century A Pierre, dell'azzurro silenzio inquietum - Luigi NonoFive - John CageMusic for Pure Waves Bass Drums and Acoustic Pendulums - Alvin LucierDecember 1952 - Earl BrownThe 20th Century has provided radical explorations of music through a reinvention of its language and culture. This programme celebrates key 20th century works, which represent challenging and disruptive approaches to music by composers such as Luigi Nono, Earl Brown, Alvin Lucier and John Cage. The works have been adapted for performance in a network context in which an ensemble distributed amongst three sites proposes new forms of interaction and engagement between performers and audiences. Performers include Carin Levine, Franziska Schroeder and Justin Yang (Belfast), Clemens Früstück, Elisabeth Harnik and Peter Plessas (Graz) and Carola Schaal, Stefan Weinzierl and Sofia Borges (Hamburg).