Sa, 15.06.2024, 22:00 Uhr
blurred edges – Hörbar im Frapant: Frans De Waard & Days of Delay

Frans De Waard Frans de Waard (1965) has been producing music since 1984 (Kapotte Muziek, Beequeen, Goem, Zebra, Freiband, Shifts, Modelbau, etc.). In 1984 he started his own record label Korm Plastics, releasing music from Arcane Device, Asmus Tietchens, Jim O'Rourke among others. He has worked for the pioneering Dutch tape label Staalplaat (1992-2003) and since 1986 as a reviewer for his own publication Vital (now Vital Weekly), a magazine which has been an online source for underground music since 1995, and which celebrated its 1000th issue in 2015. In 2016 Timeless published in France his first book, an autobiography of life in Staalplaat titled This Is Supposed To Be A Record Label. His interests in music creation ranges from ambient to noise to what he describes as 'silly disco music'. He has played concerts in Europe, USA, Canada, Russia and Japan, and collaborated with Steven Wilson, Jaap Blonk, Andrew Liles, Radboud Mens, Keiji Haino, Pan Sonic and others. DAYS OF DELAY ist das Ambientmusik-Projekt des Hamburger Multiinstrumentalisten Cyrus Ashrafi. Es steht für außergewöhnliche und improvisative Klangperformances. Filigrane Piano-Drones, exotische Santur-Texturen und cineastische Theremin-Klänge treffen auf analoge Synthie-Loops und Arpeggios in kunstvoll eingewebten Field Recordings. Eine spannende, inspirierende und emotional äußerst vielschichtige Klanglandschaft der akustischen Entschleunigung, die Menschen zur Ruhe kommen lässt und verbindet.