Do, 22.10.2020, 20:00 Uhr
blurred edges – Büro für problematische Komposition

Multimedia takes the risk The office for problematic composition is an association of multimedia composers and video artists. Taking risks and trying them out, as well as putting the experiment central to the ensemble is an obligation for all its members. MULTIMEDIA COMPOSER: ALESSANDRO ANATRINI (IT) // GREG BELLER (FR) // XIAO FU (CN) // AIGERIM SEILOVA (KAZ) // JACOB SELLO (DE) // STEFAN TROSCHKA (DE) VIDEO ARTIST: JANINA LUCKOW (DE) // MUSICIANS: LIN CHEN (CN/DE) // MICHAEL SCHRÖDER (DE) // KRISTIAN SIEVERS (DE)//STEFAN WEINZIERL (DE) Online Streaming
Eintritt: Frei